We all know the world has changed. Masks, lockdowns and jabs will be a feature of life for many years to come.

And while many of us know this, often our behaviour does not match it.

We see many people raging against the new world desperately clinging onto pre 2020 life. Anti-lockdown protests, claims of civil rights violations and the constant craving for life to get back to ‘normal’ are signs of people not realising that life has changed.

But life always changes – it never stays the same. The Buddhists have a term for this – annica – it means impermanence. Everything in life and the universe is impermanent, nothing stays the same. There was a time in the past when you did not exist, and you will return to that state at sometime in the future.

The same is true for anything you can imagine; the building you are in, the country you are on the feeling of love you have to your children and loved ones. It all changes all the time.

The problem is that most people don’t realise this.

This lack of awareness is being played out around many aspects of how we deal with Covid. Vaccines, vaccine passports, masks, social distancing and everything related to Covid are all part of the new world. May people don’t like this because it is not the way we used to be. We are now being asked to adapt to the new world and some people are pushing back. People have the right to choose to be vaccinated or not, wear a mask or not, stay at home or not. But those choices come with consequences, and those consequences look like they will be around restrictions on behaviour and the ability to participate in certain aspects of society.

Some people will claim these restrictions are a form of discrimination. It might be discrimination if we were in a pre-Covid world. But we’re not. We are in a world that will have Covid for many many years to come. This is the world we must adapt too and live in. If we don’t, us and our loved ones could get very very sick and die. This is the new world and we have the opportunity to change to it and survive.

Everything changes. To deny this is to deny reality. Our opportunity is to take advantage of this change and develop version 2.0 of ourselves. This will empower us to cope with what comes after Covid, or Delta.

As always, I’d love your thoughts here.




The stage actor, the movie star and Zoom
