Presentation Skills Training Melbourne

Group and individual training
In-person and online programs

Present your ideas in a confident and persuasive manner…

  • Without nervousness

  • Without reading slides, and

  • Without hours of preparation.



How I help Your People

To ensure your people have the skills they need, I have created an experiential program that will:

Give Them the Formula: Your people are professionals who speak. As a professional speaker, I will give them a formula they can follow to speak as the confident and engaging professionals they are.

Give Them Space: I create a safe place for your people to practice and try something new. When it works, it’s great and they keep doing it. And if it doesn’t work, that’s OK. We adjust and try again.

Give Them Permission: I’ll enable your people to give themselves permission to stand at the front of the room and speak as the leader they are…and you need them to be.

Give Them Feedback: No team member is keen - or qualified - to a fellow team member they were a little boring and how to improve. You can outsource that to me ;)

Give Them Encouragement: Babies cry for it and adults die for it. Over the years I’ve found that even seemingly confident people want and need encouragement and recognition.

Give Them Support: My programs include support for several months post engagement. This includes phone, email and in person when I’m back onsite.

Give Them the Benefits of My Experience: I’ve have over 20 years experience training around the world, I’ve written 7 books, and spoken to thousands of people as a professional speaker. I’ll share all the experience I have to help your people step up.


My public speaking training program delivers what your team needs in way that is right for them. This program is ideal for sales teams, leaders and industry influencers who need to impact the market. This program will help position your team as  leaders who can engage and influence their audiences from their very first word.

Your Team Knows their stuff, But Struggles When presenting It

The three most common problems people have when presenting are*:

19% say they lack influence

22% don’t think they are engaging

53% of people report lacking confidence

My Presentation Skills course equips your team with the skills they need to become engaging and influential presenters.

The training focuses on how to be a speaker others will listen to, how to be engaging so they want to and how to be relevant so they take action.

* Data gained from 20 years of participant surveys

The Presentation Skills Formula

Engaging presentations focus on three main areas - the Speaker, Message and Audience. Anything beyond that is secondary…including the slides.

The Speaker. This module focuses on developing the right mindset to lead the room. I’ll show you how to manage any nerves so they will never be a problem again. I’ll show you how to position yourself as a leader so others want to follow and how to manage your energy so you can enjoy the opportunity to present.

The Message. This module will give you a step-by-step process to structure your thoughts so you can create your presentation in record time - and remember it. I’ll give you a structure that you can use in any situation (sales, reporting, training, induction etc) so there is less to think about. I’ll I’ll show you how to create Idea Modules so you can ‘bolt’ them on or off depending on time or audience. We’ll also cover stories and how to bring dry data to life. And I’ll show you can step away from slides for 90% of your presentations.

The Audience. This module contains my formula to become super relevant to any audience. It will give you the steps to tailor any message to any audience without the need for a full re-write. When you apply this process nerves vanish because you are relevant and prepared for who is in the room. This helps audiences become fully engaged and remain focused.

When you focus on the three elements of Speaker, Message and Audience, you connect with your audience in a manner that is congruent with who you are, and with a currency the audience cares about. This makes presenting easy to prepare, easy to deliver, and easy for the audience to receive.

What participants say…

This Presentation Skills Course Will Give Your people:

  • The process to eliminate nervousness

  • Techniques to build engagement with any audience

  • Strategies to increase influence

  • A step-by-step plan for creating engaging presentations

  • Strategies for handling questions

  • A process for thinking on the spot

  • A hard copy of my book How to Write a 10-Minute Presentation in Under 2 Minutes

This program is offered as a 1-day, 2-day or 90 minute session.

What makes me different?

There are a number of reasons why my clients choose me. These include:

  • I wrote the book. I wrote the industry leading book that supports the training.

  • You deal with me. From your enquiry to delivery, you only deal with me.

  • I conduct the training. No one else is licensed to deliver my programs.

  • 20+ years of experience. I’ve been doing this a long time.

  • I come to you. This makes it easier for your people to get the best training during their normal work routine.