More Sale, More Profit
A focus on customer problems Not provider products.

Selling more is about solving more problems
Most sales people talk about their product, not the customer’s problems.
They try to force rapport to get a meeting instead of offering value to secure it.
Then they bring price into the conversation too early and end up discounting too soon.
The end result is sales people who struggle to make budget and grow their margins.
This problem is common and is a result of what your team is focusing on.
Customer Problems Before Your Products and Solutions.
Customers are focused on their problems. They want to know how to fix them, how to make sure they don’t get worse and how to ensure they won’t happen again. If a sales person comes along wanting to speak about customer problems they will listen. If they can offer a solution, they will buy.
But unfortunately most sales people don’t do this. They want to talk about their products, how good their products are, how reasonably priced they are. This gets the customer off side.
When the customer wants to talk about their problems, and sales people talk about their product, there will never be a deep connection.
This sales training program will change that. This training program will show your team how to:
Work out why a customer would want to see you.
How to identify the best potential new customers to approach
How to bring up customer problems in a way that you can solve them
How to build instant rapport that the customer will respond to - even online
How to ask questions to find more opportunities
How to make follow up easier
How to ask for the order without being pushy
How to get around objections
The top three things to bring up so customers want to speak to you
What not to say so customers aren’t turned off you forever.
Much much more.
The areas the training focuses on:
Identifying customers who need your products
Planning out the approach to get to see them
How to ask the right question in the right way at the right time to get the information you need
How to ask for the order number.
The be effective in sales there are three things your sales team must do in the right order.
First they must meet the customer as an equal.
Most sales people are like servants to customers, bowing and scrapping to their every desire. This makes it hard for them to hold their ground in negotiations, push back when needed and have difficult conversations about following up invoices. Instead of the master/servant relationship, it needs to be more the Pope meets the Dali Lama - two authorities coming together to discuss what they know.
Second they need to understand as an expert.
This means asking the right questioning the right way at the right time.
It’s the questions your team asks that set them apart from other suppliers. If everyone is asking the same questions the customer thinks you’re all the same. This makes asking for a discount easier. I’ll show your team how to ask questions the right questioning the right way at the right time to push past objections, find additional sales and get the customer thinking around why they should choose you as their provider.
Third is they need to guide as an authority.
This is where your sales people ask for the order, as opposed to just hoping they buy. As the old saying goes, if you don’t ask for the order, the answer is always no.
The More Sales, More Profit sales training program will establish a sales culture that is focused on solving problems before selling products. When customers see this, they just love to buy.